



Akrobeat 57 WDG

Systemic & Contact fungicide used to control downy mildew and blights on vegetables

Famox WDG

Systemic & Contact fungicide used to control downy mildew and blights on vegetables, potato & grapes

Silent SC

Systemic and Contact fungicide used by foliar spraying to control Powdery Midew and rusts on Vegetables & Fruit trees

Fanate WP

Systemic fungicide to control Fusarium, Verticilium & Damping off diseases, used for soil & foliar applications


Systemic fungicide to control the damping off diseases caused by Oomycetes in nurseries and to prevent the downy mildew and blights


Systemic fungicide to control Fusarium, Verticilium & Damping off diseases, used for soil & foliar applications

Promet SC

Systemic & Contact fungicide used to control soil diseases, downy mildew and blights on vegtables and fruit trees

Grandy GR

Systemic fungicide to control the soil diseases, caused by Oomycetes fungus, used during soil preparation

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